Anti Chafing Long Period Short - Bae-Ge

SKU: lluwacsh-bae-8

Feel comfortable and confident even on hot days during your cycle, with Love Luna's two-in-one anti-chafing period shorts. Made from naturally anti-bacterial bamboo with silky smooth inner-leg panels that glide with every stride. Love Luna anti-chafe period shorts offer a comfortable waisted fit and are side seam free to help reduce any sneaky seam lines showing under clothing. These briefs are designed for medium flow coverage and can absorb 10-15ml (2-3 regular tampons). Wear them on their own or as a backup - only you know your flow.


How I work:

  1. Soft cotton lining: on the inside closest to your skin
  2. Absorbent layer: breathable with 2-way stretch to catch all those nasty spills
  3. Waterproof layer: protects your sheets, clothing and prevents awkward accidents
  4. Soft cotton or mircofibre outer: so it looks like normal underwear